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How To Prevent Trips And Falls This Winter!

How To Prevent Trips And Falls This Winter!

As the cold weather continues to pour in, snow and ice are right around the corner.... With snow and ice, comes falls - a lot of them! Alpine has compiled a helpful list of tips and tricks to protect you and your loved ones stay safe this season - because we care

To help prevent a dangerous fall this winter, try implementing the following strategies:

  • Get and Remain Active
    It is important to remain active, routinely practicing special strengthening and balance exercises—especially those that help make your legs stronger. Try Yoga and Tai Chi to improve balance.
  • Have Your Vision Checked
    Consult with an optometrist at least once a year to make sure you have the correct prescription eyeglasses. Not many people realize that impaired vision more than doubles your risk of falling! 
  • Proceed with Caution
    Be sure to “test” the ground before stepping out of the house, car, or any outdoor space. It can be difficult to see icy spots on the ground.
  • Winterize Walkways
    If you are unable to clear snow and ice from a walkway, do not be afraid to ask for help or consider hiring someone to do it for you. Spreading kitty litter or sand in walking areas can also help provide better traction for walking.
  • Watch for Slippery Indoor Floors
    Naturally, people track rain, snow, and sleet in with them from outside. And, once indoor temperatures melt snow and ice, it can make for a slippery floor.
  • Go Slow
    If you find that you are in a hurry, try to make a conscious effort to slow down. Being in a rush only exacerbates your chance of falling, especially if there is snow and/or ice present.
  • Evaluate Your Wardrobe
    Believe it or not, wearing the wrong kind of clothing can up an opportunity of falling. While worn shoes with a lack of tread likely come to mind, a loose robe, long skirt, or another trailing piece of fabric can easily serve as a tripping hazard. Wear warm clothing, including gloves and shoes with skid soles whenever going outside.
  • Take Your Phone
    Be sure to have your cell phone with you to contact someone you know or call 911 in the event that you do fall and need assistance.

Stay safe and warm this season - and happy holidays! 
